Shaped by Scripture!

Last Sunday, Monique and I were guests in another church. I preached at a pastor friend’s retirement celebration service. We also attended a small group study for seniors before worship. It was a blessing to look around the table during that Sunday School class and see so many open Bibles and even a few digital tablets placed in front of those participants. While they used a denominational booklet as the curriculum, the Bible was still their primary focus during the lesson.

"By your words I can see where I'm going."
Clip Art: The Message: Psalm 119:105a

I have heard two good sermons lately where the subject of the Bible has come up. One was at our church recently during the Iron Sharpens Iron conference. It looked to me that the crowd was at full capacity on the ground floor and balcony that accommodates well over a thousand people not counting the platform musicians. There were ninety churches represented, and forty-eight of those churches brought ten or more participants.

During the opening session, Bryndan Loritts, a Detroit area pastor, brought a challenge to the men on the topic of “Faith in a Blitz.” Using a football metaphor, he told the men to expect “blitz times” in their lives and said, “You don’t know when or how, but they’re coming!” He then advised, “Put God at the center of your life and develop biblical courage.” He defined that courage as “fear redirected!” Pastor Loritts then said this about the Bible, “If you want to hear God’s voice, open your Bible. Read it aloud. And you’ve just heard God’s voice!”

The second message was from our lead pastor. I watched and listened online as Pastor Roger preached his message this past Sunday. In it, he emphasized how a high view of Scripture “forms and shapes us!” The sermon text was from Acts 17 about the Berean believers who were open to the preaching of the Apostle Paul. “They received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11, NIV).

During that message, Pastor Roger exclaimed, “When we view Scripture as God-breathed (Hebrews 4:12), ‘the active and living Word of God’ becomes electric in our lives!” He reminded those listening in person to “bring your Bibles to church!” I love it when he does this! One of the foundational value statements of Springfield First is that we hold to a high view of Biblical Truth. Pastor Roger often reminds us how many want to define their own ideas of truth today. Then he quickly challenges that false notion with this question, “How can we know truth from error if we don’t read our Bibles?”

That is so true! Whether we are in a small group setting, listening to a Sunday sermon, or in a quiet spirit during our daily reading of God’s Word, every thought we have or value we hold to needs to be measured against the Word of God! The Bible must be our sole and absolute authority for life’s faith and practice! It is the focus of all spiritual formation and the way we build stamina and strength in the Lord.

I have had individuals say to me, “Oh I’ve read the Bible!” I’m not sure how sincere they are in that remark. The Bible I read stretches, challenges, and convicts me. It confronts, trains, corrects, and shapes my thoughts and actions. Through God’s Word I hear His voice in my journey toward Christlikeness.

I love it when God puts the Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant Scripture song in my heart. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!” (Psalm 119:105). It’s a blessing that gives me strength and courage as I hum it to myself over and over. Thank God for His Living Word! May He continue to use the Bible to form and shape us!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
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  1. A good word regarding the Good Word! We should never say, “I’ve read the Bible.” We should say, “I’m reading the Bible - daily!”


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