Genetically Altered Bananas!
Have you ever been “gifted” with a very ripe banana? I used to wilt (another related pun idea!) when during my college days, my pastor and future father-in-law, would reach up to the top of his refrigerator and offer me an undesirable banana that had been languishing for days. I wanted him to like me for several reasons. So, when he’d say, “Here Mike, take this home with you!” What was I to say? I’d tuck the little booger in my pocket and say with an insincere mumble, “Sure. Thanks.”
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Ripening Bananas! freepikcom |
I’m a
little cautious about eating anything labeled as a “genetically modified organism”
or GMO for short. But a recent article about what some British scientists are
doing with bananas has caught my attention. Now I’m thinking, “Maybe?!” I love
bananas on my breakfast cereal, but like many of us, I have trouble managing
the basket of bananas before they become so ripe that the only alternative is
to make banana bread or pancakes. And I’d rather not add more carbs to my diet!
These British
experts claim to have altered the banana’s genetics so that “it remains firm,
fresh, and yellow for about 24 hours after opening.” Gilad Gershon, chief
executive of Tropic, the Norwich-based biotech company behind this
breakthrough, promises, “No more slimy, brown bananas!” I can hardly believe what
I’m reading, but it is music to my culinary ears! No more banana “gifting” or “default”
banana bread!
You may be
surprised that “ripeness” is a metaphor used in the Scriptures for God’s judgment.
When I studied theology in seminary back-in-the-day, we learned that God’s personal
characteristics could be summarized as loving, holy, and righteous using
examples from the Bible books of Hosea, Isaiah, and Amos. You can build an engaging
sermon or group study on what these prophetic works say about our God and what
He demands from his people.
Of the
three, Amos is perhaps the least familiar of the Bible books. Written by one of
“the shepherds of Tekoa,” Amos hardly thought of himself as a prophet. He
described himself as “a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs.” Yet, God used
him to address His people, Israel, during the reigns of Jeroboam II and Uzziah
(760 B.C.). It was a time of great wealth and prosperity, but at the expense of
those who were poor. As a result, God would judge them for breaching their
covenant with Almighty God who is loving, but also holy and righteous.
One of the
oft-quoted passages from Amos, and what some editors title, “The Basket of Ripe
Fruit,” says of Israel’s failures, “Hear this, you who trample the needy and do
away with the poor in the land… skimping the measure, boosting the price and
cheating with dishonest scales, buying the poor with silver and the needy for a
pair of sandals, selling even the sweepings with the wheat.” (Amos 8:4-6, NIV).
God promised that they would be punished “In that day,” for their insincere
worship and dishonest dealings with their neighbors!
We too, must
be careful not to misunderstand our blessings and always be on guard against
unethical practices. God blesses us that we may be a blessing to others. And He
monitors our faith practices and how we are growing in Christlikeness. The
disciplines or practices we engage in must reflect His character. He is full of
love, always holy, and seeks justice for others!
Lenten season is a time for personal reflection and taking inventory of our
spiritual lives. What defines and shapes you? How is your prayer life and
spending time alone with God? Are you eager to study the Bible and enthused about
worship? Do you move toward people with a spirit of genuine hospitality? Are
you generous with your material blessings? Do you look for service opportunities?
How ready are you to share your faith story with others?
God bless
your ongoing journey as you grow through this season of Lent!
Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
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