Illinois Eagle Watching!

Super Bowl 59 is over, and many are disappointed that it was not more competitive. I admit to only being a once-a-year football fan, but even I was hoping for a close game pitting the number one defense against an outstanding quarterback and team offense! The Philadelphia Eagles, a powerful defensive juggernaut, up-ended the four-time super bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs, in a game that was all but over at the halftime. The score, a meager 22 points for the Chiefs to 40 for the soaring Eagles, doesn’t completely explain the surprising outcome! 

Roadside Eagle Watching
Near Athens, Illinois
It was a game of uber-aggressive defense that resulted in too many turnovers for the Chiefs that repeatedly put the Eagles in scoring position for their touchdowns and field goals. Kansas City could never execute its game play as they were constantly scrambling to regain position. It was not a pretty game even though Taylor Swift and other celebrities present were cheering on the 2023 and 2024 Super Bowl champions toward their aspirational goal of an epic Trifecta, a run of three consecutive titles! Something no team has ever accomplished!

We were invited to a party hosted by one of the couples in our Sunday small group. On the way to their house, Monique asked me repeatedly, "Who are we rooting for?" This is a typical question for non-football fans like us! I answered nonchalantly, “Honey, since we’re baseball fans, let’s just say, we don’t have a dog in this hunt!” In truth, I just wanted a good close game, some great fellowship with friends and of course, some seriously fattening party food! We got part of our wish! 😊

It may have been an omen of things to come, but just last week, our daughter and son-in-law were surprised to see a Bald Eagle! (They were also able to get a video and photo of it!) This migratory raptor was roaming roadside and adjacent to a cultivated field near Athens. It was paying us a visit right here in the heartland of Illinois farming country. The photo op was a special moment of Illinois eagle watching!

Some may be surprised to hear that it is common for Bald Eagles to spend their winters in Illinois. They are drawn to our waterways and fresh fish. I personally enjoyed seeing them in Grafton and at Pere Marquette State Park. Normally, about sixty percent of an eagle's diet is fish, but they will also eat small birds and rodents. They also have the reputation for using their powerful talons to “steal the kills” of other animals. The fancy term for this pirating behavior is “kleptoparasistism!” from the Greek, “klepto” meaning thief. Literally, parasites by thievery!

Although, (and this is only an interesting myth), Benjamin Franklin thought that the eagle’s questionable reputation should disqualify it from being considered as our national bird. The story is that Franklin preferred that the turkey, a much more respectable bird, should have the honor! Even though the Bald Eagle has been a symbol of power and strength in our country for over 240 years, it took recent congressional and presidential action to address an unnoticed error in the Code. On December 24, 2024, President Joe Biden signed legislation that Congress sent to his desk making it official that the beloved Bald Eagle is finally and legally our national bird!

Reflecting on the big game Sunday night, Philadelphia did a masterful job of defending and stealing the game from Kansas City. As we baseball fans often say, “It’s only a game!” When I think though about the weightier matters of spiritual warfare, I conclude that believers should never underestimate the cunning strategies of the evil one. He is a deceiver and thief! He wants to win the hearts of anyone who becomes a Christian. James says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you!” (Ja. 4:7). Paul advises, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11).

How are you choosing to stand your ground against a formidable foe? Are you doing it in your own strength or are you depending on God and the community of faith for help? Do you regularly ask other believers to partner with you in prayer. What a blessing it is to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Paul was a team player and never hesitated to ask others on his team of faithful friends to join him in “being alert and to always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Eph. 6:18).

During a recent run to the grocery store, I had a fellow believer ask me to pray for him. For me, these opportunities occur frequently and in various settings. As you know, many of our team members at church are under various levels of assault – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Let’s often huddle together to pray and depend on God and each other. The team of the faithful is never any stronger than when we are unified to stand against our adversary. 

Let's take to heart Paul's benedictory exclamation in Romans 8:37 (CEB), "But in all these things we win a sweeping victory through the One who loved us!" 

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
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