A Prayerful Redirect

Have you heard the story about the stubborn little guy who wouldn’t stay in his seat in the family SUV? As soon the dad backed out of the driveway, he looked up in his rearview mirror and saw that his three-year-old son was unbuckled and standing in the back seat. “Sit down and get back in that seat! Now!” his dad scolded. And the boy argued. “I can’t see!” The dad threatened him, “Don’t make me stop and get out of this car!” All at once, the dad could see that the boy had complied and said, “Thank you. Now stay seated!” Immediately, he heard this defiant mumbling from the boy, “ButIn my headI’m still standing!!”

Pray and Look for God's Redirect!
I hate to admit this, but there are times when there is a stubborn little boy wandering around in my head! Our small group at church had a vigorous discussion about prayer last Sunday. We were asked to consider some pretty probing questions about our own prayer life like “What kinds of prayer do you tend to neglect? Do you find yourself praying once or twice for a need and then giving up?” Then, we were asked to consider, “How would you evaluate your prayer life? How has it changed over time?” I know that an exercise like this is good, but it is also uncomfortable as well!

One of our study participants suggested that sometimes our prayers sound more like a Christmas wish list. We treat God like a celestial Santa Claus and dictate to Him our checklist of what we want! I do acknowledge that I spend too much of my prayer time telling God what I want Him to do in my life and how I want Him to intervene in the lives of those I’m praying for. And the result is that I’m not listening to His still small voice, nor am I taking delight in His presence in that moment. I am also not being patient during those times when God seems silent and hidden from me.

I don’t know what is more difficult during those hidden times when God is silent, and I am trying to wait on Him to give me an answer. Is it the waiting or is it that I fear He may be saying, “No!” to my requests. On my better days, I admit that by looking back, I can see that He has redirected me. I can honestly say that my life has been full of those waiting times, hidden moments, and plenty of redirection! Repeatedly, I have felt God saying “No, that’s not my purpose for you!” Then, by His grace, He shows me His will in that redirection, and I must humbly confess that His way is always better!

I am trying to make some progress in moving from a “checklist” prayer life to more of a daily “pop-in prayer plan” that I hope more closely approximates what the Bible defines as “prayer without ceasing.” These days, I am leaning into more prayer throughout the day. I am trying to see every moment as an opportunity to have a conversation with God. I still like to begin and end the day with prayer, but during the day, I find myself talking aloud to Him more often. I’m trying to take a prayer-breath that makes me pause more frequently and quiet my spirit enough to hear what the Holy Spirit is whispering to me.

Paul offers this encouragement in our praying, “Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He (the Holy Spirit) does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.” (Romans 8:26, The Message).

I don’t know about you, but I often need the Spirit to step in and say to the Father on my behalf, “This is what Mike means!” And then allow Him to translate my gibberish and wordless sighs into requests that align with God’s will, and His plans for me, the loved ones, and friends I pray for. I want my prayer life to reflect how Jesus prayed and what He would ask for - “Please Father, not what I want, but what do You want?”

The next time you hear God say, “No!” Don’t give up praying, but rather, look for God’s redirect. Remember, He promises believers who love and follow Him, “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose!” (Romans 8:28).

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com
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