"Keep Hope Alive!"

I’m sure that this engaging challenge was not original with the Reverend Jesse Jackson who repeatedly exclaimed in his “Keep Hope Alive!” speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. It would help to establish Jackson as one of this generation’s most impactful voices as an activist in the social justice movement.

Green Grass? There's Hope!
No one, however, could compare with the esteemed Martin Luther King, Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech twenty-five years earlier. Yet, Dr. King once praised Jackson’s calling and work in January 1968, before a Chicago audience. King offered this high praise regarding Jackson, “No one could be more effective!”

I mean no disrespect by applying this memorable statement to the weather! But hope for something different than snow and cold has been on my mind lately! Yesterday, I stepped outside to assess the impact of two days of welcomed warmer temperatures. Snow was still hanging around from our recent 8-inch snowfall. It had been kept in place for at least ten days because of tormenting, below freezing temperatures!

We have been given a brief respite during this winter season. The latest forecast is for three more days of dangerously near or below zero temperatures! I harken back to a prediction by our local meteorologist, Jim Kosek, who said in early December, “January and February will be BRUTAL!!” Regrettably, I can say that so far, Jim has been spot on! Wowzers!

Last time to use it? I hope!
Even our Texas son, Marc, who lives in the Austin area, weighed in on our plight. He questioned by text, “Do you ever feel cold all the way down to your bones?” I answered, “Yes, in these days of Artic temps for sure!” Marc followed with this comment, “I’ve forgotten the blistering heat of summer at this point!” He then advised how Leslie and he cope by “Playing a game between winter and summer. They pretend not to remember the temperature of the other season!” I know I have “selective memory” at times like this.😂

As a workplace chaplain, I can tell you that this is a tough time of the year to maintain a good attitude. Each week, I call an assigned number of guys who drive across the country for a large food distribution company. Just last Friday, one of my truck driver friends shared a harrowing story about his latest weather-related experience. 

This over-the-road professional had been out on a long-distance run and was within twelve minutes of arriving at his home terminal in Kansas City. Suddenly, he hit a patch of black ice. It sent him and his 18-wheeler skidding helplessly off the roadway into a safe but sloping right-away! It would take an exceptionally large towing wrecker to extricate him the next day! He said, “The home office was still laughing about his recorded misfortune while watching the tractor's dash video!”

I have never been clinically diagnosed for “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (SAD), but I can say that these several weeks of cold and snow have been hard to deal with! The Psalmist offers us some cathartic advise with this question-and-answer interaction, “Why am I so discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again – my Savior and my God!” I am humbled and blessed by this further reminder, “But each day the Lord pours His unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing His songs, praying to God who gives me life.” (Psalm 42:5,8; NLT).

It’s not productive to be in a constant state of discouragement about the weather or anything else that we do not control or understand. Instead, let’s lean into what we do know. God is good, always in control, and gives us enough life and love each day to “Keep Hope Alive!”

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com
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  1. Love this. Louisiana does not see single digit freezing temperatures often, but this week has been in the history books. Great message.


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