"Don't Squelch Them!"

I watched a heart-warming feature the other day on a local television news program. It featured a seasoned one-hundred-three-year-old teacher who had mentored a seventy-something year old teacher who, in turn, had impacted a younger next-generation educator! It was a mentoring stair-step of inspiration, instruction, and influence that continues to be celebrated in their small town of Assumption, Illinois! Mentors Add Value! Credit: clker.com There are names for this story. First, Helen Lehman, is the centenarian mentor who started her teaching career in the 1940’s. She is still active in her community and is often stopped by her former students at the local grocery store. They recognize her and appreciate the value that she has added to their young lives. When asked why she spent so many years teaching children, she simply replied, “I love children! You gotta love kids!” One of Helen’s mentees and teaching friends is Jane Shull. She learned so many lessons from this experienced teach...