What is FOMO?

Karter Andrew, our seventh grade and handsome second-born grandson, lives with his parents, an older brother, and a little sister in beautiful New Mexico. He loves sports, pestering his siblings, and enjoys chasing around all five of the household dogs! Karter recently made an interesting observation. He asked his dad, “Have you noticed that when you call Sophie (the family’s six-year-old Golden Doodle), the other dogs follow her?” His dad, Reece, replied, “That’s FOMO.,” and you know what that means! Karter admitted, “I actually don’t!” (I also agreed!) Reece explained, “FOMO is an acronym for the “Fear Of Missing Out!”

Follow the Leader!

This abbreviation is short for a mental and emotional state that arises from being anxious about what might be going on around a person due to non-involvement. I cannot tell you how often this simple question, “What are you doing?” has come up in day-to-day family life. You will hear this inquiry coming from a curious, and in many instances, a younger sibling who wants to be included in the same activities as their older brother or sister.

I am sure there are studies that can explain the reasons why animals imitate this behavior. It is likely curiosity within the pack when one dog or animal wants in on what’s going on! One of my favorite authors is John Erickson, a north Texas author and rancher. Erickson writes humorous stories about his dogs, Hank, and sidekick Drover, that illustrate the cautionary idiom, “curiosity killed the cat!” Those two dogs have mindlessly followed each other into all kinds of trouble! 😊

Curiosity has a wider application than just regarding canines and felines! There are numerous scripture passages that come to mind when looking for a friend. They suggest that certain individuals should not be chosen as close friends. “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Here is another word of caution, “He (or she) who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Do not rely on just curiosity or shallow chemistry but take your time when choosing a close friend. Pray and get acquainted. Then, choose!

Risen with Christ!

Today, we celebrated the baptism of Karter’s little seven-year-old sister, Klaire. Sometime ago, she made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She had delayed her baptism until this Sunday which allowed Mimi and Poppi to share in the joy of this special occasion! Klaire’s faith journey involved the blessing of growing up in a Christian family that faithfully participates in weekly worship and connection groups. She has known for over a year now about what Jesus did for her and the world when He died on the Cross. Today’s baptism was the outward testimony of what she has known in her heart!

Here is a word of caution especially to any older children, youth, and adults. Yes, be curious enough to investigate Jesus’ plan for your life, but do not wait too long to act on that in your own life! God’s Word has an invitation to each of us, “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation!” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Do not wait too long! Now is the opportune time to accept Christ, confess sin, and make Him Lord over your life!

Let's be ready when Christ returns. No one will want to miss out on that day!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com
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  1. A special day for Klair and her family, glad you were there, keep praying for all my family that they would receive this same blessing. Enjoy your time with your family.

  2. What a wonderful blessing for Klaire and her whole family . What a great witness for Jesus she has already been ! Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story.


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