Who Is Your Guide?

In a recent article, I mentioned buying a bread cutting guide for my daughter. It was inexpensive, but much appreciated. She immediately texted back her gratitude with this exclamation, “Best gift ever!” That may seem to be a little over the top until you try your hand in processing several loaves of crusty sourdough bread with just a cutting board and bread knife! If you desire uniformity and you want the slices to be even, you need a guide to accomplish the task!

A guide for perfect bread slicing!

I confess to being a perfectionist and so does my bread-making daughter. She cares enough about what her loaves look like to put a heart at the top of the loaf as a sign of pride and affection. Since her married name, Hartman, has the sound of “heart” in it, this final decorative touch becomes the perfect seal of approval!

As human beings, we can speak of perfection only in relative terms. Only God is perfect in every way! That’s why He gives us His Word, the Bible, to be our guidebook. We need the teachings of Holy Scripture to guide us if we are ever to know and follow God’s will and purpose for our lives. We also need the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to be a daily Guide. These two realities, Word and Spirit, equip and enable believers to give glory to God.

For several years now, I have had a practice of reciting the 23rd Psalm each morning before I plant my feet onto the floor for the day. With every passing year, I have found this Shepherd’s Song to be a great encouragement to me. This verse focuses my daily prayer, “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (KJV).There are various renderings of that short sentence. The New Living Translation says, “He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” (Psalm 23:3b, NLT). Eugene Peterson paraphrases the petition, “And send me in the right direction.” (The Message).

I like the daily reminder that my life counts to God, “The Lord is my shepherd.” This assures me that as a Christ-follower, God is committed to leading and guiding me in ways that keep the attention on Him. To honor God’s name means that my words and actions need to align with His will for my life as a child of God! He will lead me, but only if my life reflects His character, glory, and honors His Holy Name! You and I are in process as believers. We haven’t arrived yet! We need and must have a guide to lead us! And God is our good Guide!

The old Welsh hymn, Bread of Heaven, by William Williams and John Hughes, beautifully speaks of our need for God’s guidance, “Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim though this barren land. I am weak, but Thou art mighty; hold me with Thy powerful hand… Deliverer, strong Deliverer, be Thou still my strength and shield. Be Thou still my strength and shield… Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee.”

Let’s begin every day with a prayer for God’s guidance!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,

active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com 
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  1. I too read the 23rd psalm almost every night when I read my Bible. He is my guide and my strength, what would I do without him. Thank you Jesus


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