Air, Water, and Sugar!

This is campfire season! September 22 nd was the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of fall. It is also the season of Smore’s! This gram cracker sandwich, made with a Hershey’s chocolate bar and marshmallow, is a favorite anytime of the year! Did you know that Americans consume 90 million pounds of marshmallows annually? That may seem to be a staggering statistic for many, but I’m not surprised! Some of us think that marshmallows make everything taste just a little bit better. It’s amazing that something made so simply from air, water, and sugar could be so delicious! A Simple Sugary Sandwich! I like any flavored Jello with mini marshmallows added. In the candy category I’ll eat: Toasted Coconut Covered Marshmallows, Moon Pies, Circus Peanuts, Hostess Snoball cakes, Fluff in homemade fudge, an occasional Peeps at holiday times, and won’t pass up Chocolate covered marshmallow Santas and Easter bunnies! I haven’t tried plant-based Dandies (Kosher, Vegan), but I’m game! However, ...