Storing More Stuff?

Every time our kids come home to visit, they lament the day when they’ll have to clean out the basement after our passing. The irony is that much of that stuff is theirs! I must confess though that Monique and I have contributed to a lot of the stuff that’s stored down there! When we retired from school and church work, we each moved our offices downstairs into file cabinets, onto bookcases and packed away in storage boxes. We have about maxed out the available shelving and space.

Self-Storage Image:

Have you noticed the one-, two-, and three-story ground-level storage buildings that dot our communities? The “bread and butter” of U-Haul used to be in renting trailers and box trucks for moving our stuff from point A to point B. Today, I’m seeing more emphasis upon providing storage space in modern, secure, and even temperature-controlled  facilities. These buildings have multiple-sized pods for every storage need. Consumers are accumulating more and more stuff! They’ve maxed out their household space!

As we passed by one of these big box storage facilities recently, I began to quote Jesus who said, “Store not up for yourselves treasures on earth” from the Sermon on the Mount. The moment I shared that wisdom, Monique’s years of investment in children’s church education kicked in. As she began to sing and laugh, “Hide it under a bushel?” from a favorite tune inspired from Jesus great sermon, I quickly exclaimed, “NO!!” I was trying to head off any more stuff at our house being carted downstairs to be hidden on another shelf!

How much more stuff do we need? What is it going to take to make us happy? I had a beloved seminary professor that taught the need to adopt a simpler lifestyle. Is that even on the radar of most of us today who live in the prosperous western part of our world? Three car garages are a staple now in home construction and they’re usually full. Yet, many households still find the need for additional off-site parking for” housing”  the family recreational vehicles and vacation trailer campers. For many, these have become the preferred “mobile home away from home!”

I realize that I have gone from preaching to meddling. I can hear many of you shifting from “Amens!” to “Oh No!” Hold on, let’s revisit what Jesus said about things. Do you remember that He had little interest in stuff? One day Jesus told some would-be followers, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20, NLT). Was He “meddling” into the business of our lives when he preached warnings about “storing up stuff?” What was His point in telling parables about how difficult it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God?

Stuff could represent the building of our lives on “shifting sand” rather than the “foundation of faith.” (Matthew 7:26-27). Since there is always a strong temptation in culture to strive for more stuff,  it would be wise for us to check ourselves occasionally. I went by a favorite car dealership today and shared contact information with the salesperson who came out to meet us. Here’s the truth… I don’t need another car when I’ve already got two in working order parked in my two-car garage!

Church leaders (even retired pastors!) as well as folks in the pews need to “hear and heed” this stern warning and instruction from our Lord, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Where your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” (Matthew 6:19-21, NLT).

Likely we all need a garage sale more than another space for more stuff! Rather than accumulating more, we should consider giving a lot of our stored things away! The matter of generosity factors beautifully into all of this. Here’s a good question that should be asked, “Who could we bless by our giving some of our stuff away?”

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,

active churchman and
doting grandparent.
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  1. I like your post, as usual.

  2. Oh Mike, so true. Since Bob’s passing, I am one of those with a storage unit. Kids do not want my old stuff and grandchildren want new. Thank you for your message. I will be giving most of it away. Bless you for your message.

  3. This is so true Mike! When I work to clean out a closet to give to good will, the space seems to refill!
    I have tried to live by less is more but it doesn’t seem to always work for me.
    Thanks for your thought!!


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