Lost and Found

Hardly a day goes by when Monique or I must search for something that has been misplaced! It could be our phone, keys, a shopping list, an item from our billfold or a purse. I’ve concluded that we are simply trying to keep up with the younger generation who boast of their ability to juggle multiple tasks all at the same time. I’m sure that it isn’t a sign of forgetfulness or old age!😉

"Found this... do you need it?"

I recently received a text from my beloved sister who was wondering if I had seen a special angel bracelet that she thought she might have dropped on the floorboard of my car after our Sunday dinner together. No sooner had I returned from searching the backseat, I picked up my phone and saw this reply, “I just found it on my bedroom floor! Thank you!” I’m thinking that this misplacing of things may be catching!

Last month, Marc and I made a trip to take Ben’s car to him on the campus of Texas State about an hour away. The vehicle needed some repair work, and this kept Ben from taking it back to school himself. The plan was for me to drive Marc’s Accord and follow him as he drove the sporty little Honda Fit.

When I got into the car, my watch caught briefly on the door molding pulling the band open. I was able to catch the watch just as it was about to fall off my wrist. I looked at the band and realized that the pin was still in one end, but that the tiny spring had “sprung!” I carefully looked  inside the car and out on the driveway and grassy area for this important component of the band assembly, but eventually had to put the limp band and watch on the console for the remainder of the day.

It would be almost a month to the day that Marc would send me a picture along with this text, “Found this in my car. Do you need it?” It was a photo of the tiny spring that had fallen out of the watchband pin that day we left for San Marcos. Since I had already replaced the band when we got back home to Illinois, this was my only response, “Yes, but no! Incredible detective work! I thought it might have flipped out into the grass! I can’t believe you found it! I am good to go, and you are good to throw!”

The Gospel of Luke records three vivid and memorable “lost and found” stories – the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the most emotive of all, the lost son. Each story is gripping in its point that the shepherd, woman, and father searched and longed for that which was lost to be found and returned.

Jesus summarized the joy of finding that which was lost, “That’s the way God responds every time one lost sinner responds and turns back to him. He says to all his angels, 'Let’s have a joyous celebration, for the one who was lost, I have found!'” (Luke 15:10). I saw a slogan in a Planet Fitness gym recently, “Judgement Free Zone!” Wouldn’t that be appropriate for a church banner?” My son’s pastor has been emphasizing in his sermons lately that rather than judging others, we should be shining the light of Christ to such an extent that others would see Jesus in us.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explicitly said to His followers, “So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give praise to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16, TPT).

There are many who are lost and in need of being found. Let’s shine the light of God’s love and grace in their direction.

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,

active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com 






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