Managing Youthful Vigor
My Grandson Benjamin looks out for his Poppi! He started treating me with respect and deference long before he was employed this summer as a part-time “stretch therapist” by the local chiropractor. I like to believe his gentle back rub greeting has been perfected since his clinical experiences of late! "My favorite tour guide!" Ben meets people well, loves his family and has numerous close friends. Subsequently, he has become a social magnet for serious discussions, understanding popular culture and is always up for the plain enjoyment of being together. He’s my “go-to guy!” We have enjoyed sharing insights about our current reads with each other while chatting near the bookshelf in his bedroom. Ben likes to read all kinds of literature. When it comes to movies…there isn’t anyone I’d rather see something special with on the Big Screen at Cinemark or even the Little Screen in the upstairs home theater than Ben! This year we adventured through Black Panther , Mission Impossib...