Find Your Niche!
It’s not always easy to find what you are good at and what you enjoy doing, too! Our two oldest grandsons, Brady and Ben, have had the initial experience of declaring a major now that they have completed their application processes to enter college in the fall. Brady has chosen business and Ben is thinking he will do a double major in biology and art. I think it is predictable that they will likely refine their choices. It’s been my observation that many young college students change their majors within the first couple of years of college!
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I am watching with prayers and great interest, as the middle-aged
guys of our family (the dads of those same new college students) have already
moved through a few chapters of change in their own professional careers.
Advancements often feel like two or three slow steps forward and sometimes… one
or two steps backwards! The increased responsibility and pay are rewarding, but
the adjustments to change in the workplace can throttle back enthusiasm and
those shifts often painfully feel like setbacks!
After my retirement in July of 2018, I began to describe
my next chapter as a negotiation. On the profile page
of this weekly blog I wrote, “Having spent over 45 years in vocational ministry as a pastor and staff
associate, I am now negotiating the life-chapter of retirement!” Unlike
Moses, I did not ascend a mountain to receive God’s plan for my life on "two stone tablets!" Rather, during retirement, I have tried a few things and then
decided to build my future on the same God-given spiritual gifts that have shaped my years of active ministry.
Dr. Reggie McNeal, one of my favorite authors, explained
the negotiation process this way, “Your best shot at making your best
contribution to the world is for you to get better at what you are already good
at. You will get a life by building on your strengths. Focusing on improving or
eliminating your weaknesses will never deliver to you the quality of life that
practicing your strengths will.” (Get a Life! B & H Publishing
Group, Nashville, TN, p.95).
I have a spiritual gift mix that includes teaching,
administration, and encouragement. Today, in the church where I’m a member, I
teach a small online group on Tuesdays, serve on one of our major church
committees, and find many opportunities to encourage, pray for and build others
up in the faith. As you know, I also write a blog each week about faith, family,
and leadership.
Additionally, I serve as a workplace chaplain. I visit
the employees and residents of a local senior living facility and make calls to
truckers who are employed by a national food distribution company. I frequently
describe myself as retired (some would say, re-treaded!) pastor, active churchman,
and doting grandparent!
Recently, I received a generous compliment from one of
my dear friends who is also retired. Tom responds nearly every week to my articles
with substantive comments that add great value to me personally and to my
humble writing ministry. I appreciate him and others of you who take the time
to read and reflect with a few sentences.
Here’s what Tom wrote about my article on
appreciation. “Mike, you continue to find your niche, even in retirement and I
appreciate the time you invest in doing it!” This was my response… “Thanks, Tom,
for your gracious remarks and for this affirmation, 'You continue to
find your niche.' Now, I can tell Monique what I’m up to each day while she’s teaching
at school! Ha!”
Since Tom’s vocabulary is larger than mine, I had to
look up the word “niche” to be reminded of its meaning and how to pronounce it!
A niche (pronounced nÄCH or nÄ“SH, for the more sophisticated!) means “a
comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.” I think that’s an apt
description for what I’m striving to do. Simply… doing what’s comfortable, suitable,
and fits my divine design!
Every day and in every way, I am trying to Serve
by Design out of the spiritual gifts that God has endowed upon me
through His Holy Spirit. Remember, your gift mix is not for you. Rather, the
Holy Spirit equips you so that you may bless others! As God fulfills His will
and purpose in this way, it brings personal happiness as well as glory to the
Join me on a quest to find that “sweet spot” of a serving
niche! “Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take!”
(Proverbs 3:6,NLT).
Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
Mike I think that you are able to connect with orther people. Thank you for your time and keep on sharing what God has laid on your heart. Hugs Jim Byron