A Heart for God!
In the days of Lent leading up to Easter, many of us may have made some renewed promises related to our spiritual growth. Now, I wonder how we are doing in keeping those promises. It is not easy to follow through when there are so many distractions. Clear, sunny days with warmer temperatures call us to get outdoors where sporting activities, family gatherings, and home projects get in the way of following through.
Our progress report card may have various boxes to be checked: weekly church attendance. small group participation, and service in the community. Are we keeping current with daily Bible readings, making time for prayerful reflections, and for those who like to write, journaling our insights? I like to follow the advice of one of my seminary professors years ago who declared, “You haven’t really thought about something until you have written it down.” This adage has kept me thinking and writing! 😉
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A Heart for God! Image credit: seekPNG.com |
This Easter season, our church pastors recently embarked on
an engaging and serious sermon series on The Apostle’s Creed (I believe...). In this series, we are considering the fundamental tenants of
the Christian faith: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the meaning of
forgiveness and salvation; the significance of Christ’s resurrection, ascension
and second coming; and the mission of the church until Christ returns. This
study is inspirational, instructional, and sure to challenge our spiritual
Here’s some practical advice to growing spiritually - make a
commitment to regular and preferably, in-person Sunday worship and weekly involvement
in a small group Bible study. Schedule it and don’t yield to the temptation to
detour from your commitment to it. Whatever the sermon or study topic, come
prepared each week to sit with your Bible, pen and paper. Take notes and turn
these insights into your own study throughout the week. Freshen your daily
study time with a devotion app like Our Daily Bread. Read, study, or
journal your way through a Bible book like one of Paul’s shorter letters (Philippians,
Ephesians, 1 Thessalonians, etc.). Spend some time giving thought to what you
are reading.
Years ago, I had a Sunday off and we took the family to
another church outside of our faith tradition. I had coached the kids
beforehand that we would pass on participating in the Lord’s Supper if it
should be offered. One of our five-year-old twins was sitting on the aisle as
the usher came by to serve our pew. Without hesitation, Melissa commented as
she received the tray with the Communion elements, “No thanks! I’m
stuffed!” The usher and several in our pew chuckled at her spontaneous comment!
Israel’s King David had a heart for God. Although, David
wasn’t perfect and did make serious mistakes in his life, his heart was in the right
place! It beat in rhythm with God’s heart so that David wanted what God wanted.
That’s why the prophet Samuel said about David, “The Lord has sought out a man
after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people.” (1 Samuel 13:14). David
praised God with this commitment, “I desire to do your will, O my God; your law
is within my heart.” (Psalm 40:8). God had found His man the day He called
David to serve Him!
God is still looking for men and women of all ages who have
a heart and longing for God! He desires for His children to want more and more
of Him. Therefore, we cannot say, “I’m spiritually stuffed! I don’t need any more
of this church stuff!” Can you see why it’s just not spiritually tenable to
think that we have done all that is required, don’t need to do more, or take further
actions to change or grow in our spiritual life?
Where is your heart today? Let it beat in rhythm with God’s
plan for you!
Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
doting grandparent.
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