A Distracting Eye Issue!

Recently, I had an experience that previously I had only heard about. One morning, I awoke with a “fly-like something” in my right eye! To make it even more fascinating and annoying, it also had a tail stringing from its center. It comes and goes from my field of vision. If I concentrate on it, it can be pretty distracting!

Eye Floaters!
Image credit: imgbin.com

I have consulted an in-house expert regarding the matter. Monique recommends that I get an appointment with the eye specialist soon, but her diagnosis is that I have a “floater” in that eye. She has been dealing with such visual issues in both of her eyes for around ten years now! I guess I should be thankful that I haven’t had any such surprises until this time. I am creeping closer to my one-year anniversary of the “three-score and ten!”

Isn’t it curious that they call these things, “floaters?” I have spent lazy hot Texas summers floating and tubing in the cool back waters of the Comal River in New Braunfels. That is an entirely different experience! That floating is quite relaxing and a nice diversion from the hectic pace of the city. But this distraction is not a welcomed experience. I have been told by others who deal with this that I may just have to learn to live with it.

How many things have you faced in your life only to be counseled by seasoned Christian friends that you will have to “just deal with it?” This plain-speaking advice sounds a bit harsh and yet, we know it to be accurate to our experience of reality. I wish there was a simple and full-proof formula for dealing with menacing distractions, but I have not found one as yet. I do know that we have a choice in the matter as to how we will deal with them. These distractions either draw us closer to God or we allow them to push us away from Him. They can make us better or bitter. It’s up to us how we respond.

I have found that I cope better with challenges as I maintain my daily routine. These routine activities are more than distracting pursuits of busyness. While it is true that these responsibilities keep us busy, such activity contributes to our mental, physical and spiritual health. I think God made us for meaningful activity like work, whether employment (full or part-time), time spent volunteering, or the household chores that everyday living requires. At the beginning of creation, there was something foundational and intentional about God’s assignment for Adam in the Garden of Eden. The Creator was fulfilling His purpose for Adam when He “placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.” (Genesis 2:15, NLT).  

Although I know I say this often, but keeping connected to family and close friends is also a way we deal with our challenges. God made us for relationships because he knew we are stronger when we are committed to each other! As we help to carry another’s load of care, we are helped as well. Paul said, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.” (Galatians 6:2-3, NLT).

It is also necessary that we keep grounded in the faith if we are to successfully manage life’s challenges. You have heard it affirmed in seasons of crisis, “I don’t know how people without faith in God deal with things like this!” I don’t either! I have observed that those believers, who regularly attend church, and make daily time for Bible reading, reflection and prayer, have resources they can draw from that make a difference.

Christians who are growing in their faith seem better equipped to move through difficult and trying times with grace and peace. It was during Paul’s experience with the tormenting challenge of a “thorn in the flesh” that God repeatedly spoke hope into that situation with this enduring promise, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:8b, NLT).

That grace is all we need! All that we need!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,

active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com 


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