How's Your Hearing?

It is interesting how you are treated when you enter your senior years. Some donut shops want to give you a discount. Passerby’s sometimes look at you and your spouse with that look like they are thinking, “God bless that sweet couple! They are still holding hands and are ambulatory enough to shop at a big box store together!” Then, there is the annual wellness appointment with the nurse practitioner. At check-in, you are handed several sheets of health survey questions along with a clipboard and pen as you are told to sit and work on “your homework!” The first thing I noted was that the heading stated this survey was for those 70-79 years old! Image Credit: After completion, I was then called back for my evaluation by the doctor/nurse practitioner. Please understand that I like our lady healthcare professional. She is friendly, competent and efficient. She has served both my wife and me very well over these last few years. We trust her judgments on our behalf and...