Keep Moving Forward!

As students, teachers and parents know by now, this COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in mandates to stay-at-home as much as possible and this has necessitated having school-at-home. It is hard to estimate at this time the overall impact this shift has had or will have upon the education of children throughout our state. I'm sure that some kids have been setback while others seem to have quickly adapted and are continuing to move forward. It's amazing how resilient children seem to be! Adults would do well to listen to children more. In their innocent lives, they often give us the best advice! One of our own, Charles William, has accepted the new virtual and distance learning required in these days in stride. He is even passionate in doing whatever he can to accomplish all the requirements that will insure his readiness for first grade in the fall. Just the other day, while leaning into his Chromebook, he boldly informed his mother, "I've got to keep moving forward!...