"You've Gotten Some Bad Fuel!"

We recently had some trouble with one of our cars not starting immediately. It was uncharacteristic for this vehicle that it took three tries for it to finally "fire the cylinders." This is our second car that is used locally for short distance driving to the school, post office, grocery and drug stores. Monique depends on it and when something like this happens, she quickly loses confidence in "her car!" I tried to diagnose it without success. A quick check of the battery showed it to be fully charged. The starter didn't seem to the problem since it started five times in a row. I next thought it might be the fuel pump. Since most cars have that pump in the tank these days, it is impossible to know if this was the problem. I was quickly out of suggestions to explain this anomaly! So, with anything related to automobiles, the best person I know to consult is my Dad, the lead mechanic of our family. Since December, 1961, Dad has been the proprietor of Joe'...