
Showing posts from April, 2019

"Have Faith that God is Leading!"

Actor Gary Sinise has a new book out entitled, Grateful American: Journey from Self to Service. This autobiographical work tells the story how a reaction to a national threat and tragedy helped to shape this popular actor into an advocate for the men and women of our military who give their lives every day to protect our freedoms around the globe. In this book, Sinise reflects on his dad's health challenges and how it brought back to mind some things he had learned from attending church over the years. It was a recapitulation and paraphrase of the great promise of Romans 8:28 that "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose" (CSB). In those near-death reflections of almost losing his dad, Gary Sinise has said, "We have a purpose in life, and if we're serving God, following him, living out God's purposes for our life, then we can have faith that God is leading us, and even difficult tim...

The Danger of Self-Effort!

"Live Free or Die" is a popular series featured on Nat Geo. It is about a collection of individuals who have chosen to live a wilderness and austere lifestyle off of the land. These people are scattered throughout different parts of the country like North Carolina, Arizona, Louisiana and Washington. They are fiercely independent, self-motivated individuals who have chosen a solo-like lifestyle because of the freedom they have to live it anyway they like without interference from others. They think that if they succeed they have reached their highest dreams and aspirations, but they also know the risks of danger, deprivation and even death if they do not achieve their goals. In a recent episode, a title page came up on the screen with a curious and somewhat humorous quote that was anonymously cited. The maxim simply stated, "The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm!" I immediately chuckled and thought about how appropriate this phrase is ...

Get Busy Living!

We just finished a rather depressing 6-week study of Ecclesiastes in our adult Bible study groups. Some say, Solomon with all his wisdom, possessions and power seems to be "in a funk" about life while others say he was just advising younger people about how to avoid some of the mistakes he had made and was warning them to always keep God "in the equation" of life. I think his purpose reflects a little of both. He is vindicated by the critics of his depressive tone when he concludes in the final chapter that what is required for a full and meaningful life is to simply, "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man" (12:13, ESV ). I saw an interesting license plate on the way into town recently. It was a shortened version of a two-word maxim - "Busy Living." I like the word "busy" and since retiring that is precisely what I have tried to be. It makes me feel productive with my life when I am working on several ...