Upgrading Storage Issues

Vocabulary has changed over the years with our advancing technological culture and the use of cloud-based storage for our digital data. My son-in-law, Reece, works for a major computer chip company that utilizes their expertise in the development and maintenance of server farms to manage cloud-based storage. When looking at the super-sized buildings out by the St. Louis airport that are devoted to aeronautical manufacturing, he commented, "We have server farms the size of that facility!"

I have been learning some new video film-editing skills with the help of my oldest grandson, Brady. He gave me a tutorial session recently to show me how to edit the Sunday sermon recording that we upload to our church website. I will not soon forget his frequent counsel that morning as he said, "Remember, Poppi, don't go rogue! Read your paper instructions first!" With apology, I simply explained, "I was only trying to impress you!" To which he politely stated in his inimitable style of understatement, "Don't!" Admittedly, this is not my strong suit, but I am willing to step-in for a short time (famous last words!) until we can train someone a lot  younger who is not intimidated by digital technology!
An "Old World" Storage System

I have learned in this process that data comes in a lot of sizes. The larger the files, the more storage is needed to manage it. We have smart phones that regularly monitor our storage capabilities regarding our photo albums. We always think that our pictures are on the phone, but in most cases, they are "in the cloud" which is another way of saying they are stored on computers in server farms somewhere, but not in a literal cloud! This whole discussion can quickly get "above my pay grade." All I know is that when I want to view a picture, I want it to be accessible by opening the photo app on my mobile handheld device. That's all that most of us care about!

When storage gets to the maximum allowed according to the limits of the paid subscription, then additional storage must be purchased. You wouldn't be surprised to note that there is a growing need for larger amounts of storage. This has become a lucrative industry in our day! We want our movies and photos to have the highest resolution possible and that requires more and more upgrades in our storage capacities. This leads me to say that Apple iCloud, Dropbox and Vimeo are getting more of our money these days!

Wouldn't it be great if we could limit our need for more things? Then, we wouldn't need basements, three-car garages, backyard sheds and off-site storage facilities to stow away all our "stuff!" I remember a seminary professor back in the day who had served as a missionary in a third-world country for many years prior to coming to Southwestern. That humble setting made it easier for him to be an advocate of a "simpler life-style." Yet, we have trouble thinking simpler or downsizing thoughts about our things when our materialistic culture is shouting the need for more "stuff."

Our Lord taught humble slaves in the first century how to become kingdom citizens. In coming to His earthly mission, Jesus had divested Himself of a need for things. He remarked to His followers on one occasion that He did not have a pillow upon which to lay His head for a night's rest. In discipleship, they could expect such sacrifices. In the Sermon on the Mount, after advising His listeners not to be anxious or worried about the things of life, He summarized, "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33, ESV).

How liberating it is to allow the Lord to order our life-priorities about things! Next time we think we need an "upgrade" for additional storage, let's think on these things!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com


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