Mentoring Leaders Are Stewards!
I have been asked to serve as a presenter for a small group intensive. It is a supportive role as part of a larger meeting of leaders convening for a two-day conference hosted by our Baptist state convention. This is my second stint at contributing in this way. I led a similar breakout session two years ago. My topic this year is titled, "Reimagine Mentoring Mentors." After 45 years of pastoral ministry, I have discovered and rediscovered over the years that it is humanly impossible for me to do everything that needs to be done in local church ministry. Therefore, to be effective as a pastor-teacher at equipping others to do the work of the ministry (see Ephesians 4:11-13), I need to utilize the mentoring leaders God gives to the local church. Stewardship is about time, talents and treasures! Mentoring leaders are stewards and managers of God's resources. With respect to the resource of men and women who serve as God's leaders in the local church, mentors are s...