
"How's Your Bandwidth?"

Just the other day, a busy professional at church lamented to me in our conversation, “I’m not sure I have the bandwidth to take on another responsibility right now!” I wanted to interrupt, “How did I not get the memo on this?” I fashion myself as a humble writer and wordsmith and I am always on the lookout for another new word. Yet, I had just heard a word that I thought I knew used in a completely different way! Fiber Optic Technology Credit: This is not the first time that I have been blindsided about the “definitional drifting” of certain words. I remember several years ago how a college-aged son had asked me, “Dad, do you know what “issues” are?” I answered, “I think so. Like political or social issues in society?” “No,” he replied. “I mean like she or he has issues! You know, as in personal, psychological issues.” I could only reply, “Well, that’s interesting. I haven’t heard it used like that!” Well, thanks to that businessman, I now have another word, bandwidth, t...

Illinois Eagle Watching!

Super Bowl 59 is over, and many are disappointed that it was not more competitive. I admit to only being a once-a-year football fan, but even I was hoping for a close game pitting the number one defense against an outstanding quarterback and team offense! The Philadelphia Eagles, a powerful defensive juggernaut, up-ended the four-time super bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs, in a game that was all but over at the halftime. The score, a meager 22 points for the Chiefs to 40 for the soaring Eagles, doesn’t completely explain the surprising outcome!  Roadside Eagle Watching Near Athens, Illinois It was a game of uber-aggressive defense that resulted in too many turnovers for the Chiefs that repeatedly put the Eagles in scoring position for their touchdowns and field goals. Kansas City could never execute its game play as they were constantly scrambling to regain position. It was not a pretty game even though Taylor Swift and other celebrities present were cheering on the 2023 and 2024 ...

"More Than Enough!"

A national troupe of award-winning actors is visiting our local university this month with a wildly popular musical, Pretty Woman ! While some macho-types might deny having ever seen the movie, in truth, many have seen it several times since its debut in 1990! It’s a date-night standard with its Cinderella-themed plot about the unlikely romance between a wealthy businessman and a woman of lesser means. Springfield First is Debt-Free! One of the unforgettably funny moments of the movie is when Richard Gere presents Julia Roberts with a diamond broach securely incased in the presentation box. The moment she reaches into the box, Gere snaps it shut. She immediately draws her hand back as if bitten by a mini monster. We, viewers, laugh aloud every time we see this clip, but our laughter is drowned out by Robert’s uproarious laughing response! Thanks to Monique, we have had similar occasions of playful shenanigans from time to time. You’d think I would learn to anticipate these, but I am ...

"Don't Squelch Them!"

I watched a heart-warming feature the other day on a local television news program. It featured a seasoned one-hundred-three-year-old teacher who had mentored a seventy-something year old teacher who, in turn, had impacted a younger next-generation educator! It was a mentoring stair-step of inspiration, instruction, and influence that continues to be celebrated in their small town of Assumption, Illinois! Mentors Add Value! Credit: There are names for this story. First, Helen Lehman, is the centenarian mentor who started her teaching career in the 1940’s. She is still active in her community and is often stopped by her former students at the local grocery store. They recognize her and appreciate the value that she has added to their young lives. When asked why she spent so many years teaching children, she simply replied, “I love children! You gotta love kids!” One of Helen’s mentees and teaching friends is Jane Shull. She learned so many lessons from this experienced teach...

"Keep Hope Alive!"

I’m sure that this engaging challenge was not original with the Reverend Jesse Jackson who repeatedly exclaimed in his “Keep Hope Alive!” speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. It would help to establish Jackson as one of this generation’s most impactful voices as an activist in the social justice movement. Green Grass? There's Hope! No one, however, could compare with the esteemed Martin Luther King, Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech twenty-five years earlier. Yet, Dr. King once praised Jackson’s calling and work in January 1968, before a Chicago audience. King offered this high praise regarding Jackson, “No one could be more effective!” I mean no disrespect by applying this memorable statement to the weather! But hope for something different than snow and cold has been on my mind lately! Yesterday, I stepped outside to assess the impact of two days of welcomed warmer temperatures. Snow was still hanging around from our recent 8-inch snowfall. It had been kept in p...

The Blessing of Building!

During the last twenty and a half years, we have been blessed with twelve grandchildren. In the early days of our grandparenting, we began to accumulate various toys in one of our extra bedroom closets to stimulate these eager minds. We have cars and trucks, action figures, all sizes of building blocks, bags full of plastic Tinker Toys and containers loaded with every conceivable shape of Legos. Our grands have grown up using their imaginations to create and build things.  Our Proud Builder! Just this past Sunday, we had family over and after lunch they literally were “all over the house!” Some were in the back chilling with their cell phones while others were sprawling all over the family room floor. At least one was cocooned in a sofa blanket as the others relaxed in recliners half-way watching football on the television but mostly they were laughing, chatting about nonsense, but enjoying each other! It was family at its best! Our youngest grandson caught me heading down the ha...

How Smart Are Dogs?

Did you hear about the dog who went to the movies? This surprised a fellow movie goer who sat near the owner and watched the dog react. At times, the canine wagged his tail when happy, drooped his head when sad, and even put his paws over his eyes when he was afraid. The man sitting beside them couldn’t resist. He whispered, “Wow! I’m amazed at how much your dog enjoys this movie!” The owner replied, “I am too, because he hated the book!” Funnies   Whenever we visit our daughter’s home in New Mexico, we bring along our Roku for movie nights on the king bed! Our grands, and sometimes the dogs, join us for the family friendly features. It is always amusing to see their very intelligent Golden Doodle, Sophie, watching the shows along with us! She especially enjoyed a recent Hallmark that was about a veterinarian and his dog!😊 Sophie at Movie Night! I see some amazing acts by canines on social media feeds and on television reality shows. These remind me that dogs are much smarter th...